Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Chapter 29: CCR

 It's here! The CCR is here! It's been a wild ride, and I am sad to close out this journey. Thank you for following along on our little adventure, I really do appreciate it.

Without further ado, the CCR!


Chapter 28: Film Opening

 After painstaking work, here it is, my finished project! I am very proud of it, and I hope you'll find as much joy in watching it as I put in making it. Enjoy!


Monday, April 5, 2021

Chapter 27: Memories, Dreams, Reflections

    It's done! The research, planning, filming, and editing are all finally done! 

    Looking back, I realized just how important this project was to me. It wasn’t just an assignment or something to get a grade on, this project was a big part of my year. Working on this has been stressful, and there were times where I didn’t think I could do it. Editing really took a toll on me and my sanity, and it was a struggle to create a product I would be proud of. In total, I would say that was the most difficult hurdle to jump throughout this process.

    However, I found myself really enjoying researching aspects of my project and getting to film. Filming was a genuinely fun experience; my cast was fun and we had a great time in between takes. It made it a lot easier to go through that process and made me look at those scenes in a better light as I enjoyed the time we put into this. Getting to experience the joy of seeing something I worked so hard on for so long also made my experience all the more worth it, as the finished product was exactly what I had hoped for.

    Now that it’s done and I’m saying goodbye to this journey and prepare to start another one, I will really miss it.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Chapter 26: Inside Out & Back Again

 During the editing process, I realized that my film had gone well over the time limit provided by Cambridge. In order to remedy this, we set out to fix the time issues through reshoots. One scene in particular needed to be reshot: the car scene. Originally the scene features Agi rambling while Cassie starts the car, but the film ended up being too long with it added.

To replace the scene, we filmed a scene of Cassie alone getting into her car and driving off. This took off about ten seconds as it was significantly shorter than the other scene. It also allowed for some variety in shot types, as previously the film used medium and two shots almost exclusively. The scene also allowed for better continuity, as the transition in location made more sense this way.

Once reshoots were done, we went back into editing. A lot of the piece ended up being too long, and a lot ended up being cut. Instead of having Cara leave before the outburst, the new script had Cara there for the outburst, giving it more weight. This hopefully increases the tension of the scene and adds another layer to the story. 

Chapter 29: CCR

 It's here! The CCR is here! It's been a wild ride, and I am sad to close out this journey. Thank you for following along on our lit...